Research conducted by the University of Valencia and published in Food Chemistry journal, analysed the nutritional properties of persimmon. The study found that the different species of persimmon are not at all the same, chemically speaking. The best supply of minerals was provided by the one kind of persimmon which is Rojo Brillante. In fact, a portion of 400 grams is providing up to 10% of the recommended daily dosage of calcium, up to 15% of daily dosage of iron and magnesium, up to 30% of daily dosage of potassium and copper. At the same time, levels of sodium and zinc are very low (up to 1% and 4%, respectively).
Other benefits of persimmon Rojo Brillante:
Anti-cancer properties: being rich in vitamins and beta carotene Rojo Brillante provides the body with significant amounts of antioxidants that prevent the onset of tumours.
Low-cholesterol properties: the rich presence of fiber helps to regulate cholesterol levels in the blood. Insoluble fiber, in fact, limits the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine, so it can be useful even after consuming a meal if you want to minimize the absorption of fats.
Anti-acidity properties: Rojo Brillante has a slightly alkaline pH, which means that unlike lemon, orange and some other fruits, Rojo Brillante is not acid, and in the stomach it tends to neutralize the acidity of gastric juices. Therefore it is recommended for people suffering from gastritis - a condition characterized precisely by gastric hyper-acidity.
Diuretic properties: persimmon Rojo Brillante increases the diuresis due to the presence of potassium, a type salt which favours elimination of water, unlike sodium.
Benefits during sports and fitness: one fruit weighs approximately 270-300 grams and yet it provides an energy of 200 kcal due to simple sugars. This is a perfect kind of meal to eat before a workout, if you want to get lots of energy immediately available. It is also excellent to eat after training, when you need to supply your body with mineral salts which were lost due sweating.